Tugas Bahas Inggris Presentating Exposition Text : Smoking Should be Banned in Public Area
Karena tugas ini ialah tugas bahasa inggris maka saya akan mencoba menggunakan bahasa inggris. Because this isi english assignment i want to try using English. This text just for fulfilling my assignment at school. Maybe there are some rip grammar or rip English. But ya it's me who want to improve for fluenting. Don't forget to leave comment down below. Ohhh i forgot
this assignment for PRESENTATING only!!!!!!
this assignment for PRESENTATING only!!!!!!
Should be Banned in Public Area
Have you ever
come home with the stench of smoke clinging to your clothes? Or inhaled a cloud
of smoke as a group of smokers passed, causing you to cough and choke? Neither
experience is pleasant, and this is why smoking should be banned in public
Many countries
today have laws that prohibit smoking in public places. It is because smoking
affects not only the person who smoke but also non smokers as well.
People who
smoke in public will be seen by others, especially by children. it will cause
children to potentially imitate it.
cigarette smoke
is the third leading cause of death (after active smoking and alcohol),
according to the Manitoba Medical Association. They also say that the smoke
contains over 4,000 chemicals, 50 of which are known to be cancer-related.
cigarette smoke
has been linked to heart and respiratory disease; lung, breast, cervical, and
nasal sinus cancers; strokes and miscarriages.
In children,
dangers include sudden infant death syndrome, fetal growth impairment,
bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma and middle-ear disease.
Smoking is a
dangerous habit that not only affects the smoker, but those around him or her.
Banning the smoking in public will keep non-smokers safer. People who smoke
subject themselves to deadly diseases.
smokers should
be aware of the dangers of cigarettes, both for themselves and those around
them, smokers should know where to smoke so as not to disturb others. We
recommend that adults smoking responsibly does not interfere with the health of
others and certainly does not affect the child's behavior.
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